Sunday, September 14, 2008


In the air, bounding off the clouds. An inflated balloon about to pop. Tingly and brimming and joyous. Everything seems brighter and better. Colors are more vibrant and everything dreary melts away. You can feel your feet prickling with excitement and your ears tickle. Your whole face creeps into your smile. Your body contorts into a taller, bigger version of itself. Stepping out of your body and sailing above the streets seems completely plausible. All of a sudden every little move becomes faster and animated, like an old black and white cartoon. Your vision becomes something that resembles a strobe light. The weather turns placid and sour faces become glad. Every little piece of life becomes exorbitant. The air smells like every type of pastry, and for once you take the time to notice. Problems aren’t allowed in, they don’t deserve the energy, and you realize it. All of a sudden you hear clacking, it’s your teeth! Your teeth are chattering, but not because you’re cold, but because your body can’t contain everything your feeling. All of a sudden you’re dancing for no reason at all! Everything is so full and bright you feel buoyant, and then you begin to rise, floating into the air with no end in sight. A strip of fog is pulled off you’re eyes and suddenly everything is clearer, everything has a solution and pain is a pointless word. It feels like the last big gush of fire that lifts a hot air balloon off the ground. Your insides are steaming, warming and alive. You can hold your dreams in your hands and make them happen. Nothing can hide from your sight; you can see specs of dust thousands of miles away. Music takes on a different form, it starts living. Outside your door people are jumping and leaping into the sky. Everything seems transcendent. Everything’s happy.

1 comment:

MilnerB said...

lots of great adjectives and very descriptive language, but as you know, not the assignment.